Post Covid effects

Most people who develop Kovid-19 will fully recover, but current evidence suggests that approximately 10% -20% of people experience a variety of intermediate and long-term effects after redeeming from their initial illness. These intermediate and long-term effects are collectively known as the post-COVID-19 condition or "long covid", refers to a combination of chronic symptoms that some people experience after having Kovid-19. People who experience the condition after COVID-19 sometimes call themselves "long-haulers". These symptoms can continue from their initial illness or develop after their recovery. They may come and go over time or come back. The condition after COVID-19 affects a person's ability to perform daily activities such as work or household chores.

Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) damages the lungs, brain, blood vessels, skin, nerves, kidneys, and heart, increasing the risk of chronic health problems. However, the virus can remain in the body for up to 3 months after diagnosis. This means that some people will get a second positive test result even after recovery, although this does not necessarily indicate that the virus is still contagious.

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